Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

FAQ Page



Upon installing Mambo Merge from the AppExchange you will be given access to a 14-day free trial of our Full Speed tier. This will unlock all the features and functionality available to use as you see fit. After the trial expires your tier will switch to the Free(Style) tier .


Our base and complete tier that offers features and functionality to work with DOCx files within a Salesforce Org. Does not require a subscription and it's free to use, always.

Full Speed

Our complete tier which unlocks all features and functionality available within Mambo Merge. It helps Salesforce Orgs do more by automating your document-generation needs. It requires an annual subscription but gets included as part of our 14-day trial as a new installation from the AppExchange.


This is our enterprise tier which unlocks an even greater set of features and functionality which is tailored around development and support. This tier is not for everyone and will require a minimum of 50 user licenese on a 12-month contract to get you started. For those looking for dedicated, collaborative support on an enterprise level this is the tier that will meet your needs.

Difference Between Editions

Our Free(Style) tier is intended to be used by anyone in the Salesforce ecosystem, free of charge. Our paid tiers require a 12-month contract renewed on an annual basis. The trial tier is a way to test drive a paid tier without the need to commit to a contract. Leverage all the features and functionality and see for yourself what Mambo Merge can do for your Org. Lastly, the Performance tier is geared toward enterprises looking for dedicated development and support along with state of the art features that may require 3rd party services and dues. With a mininum of 50 user licenses on top of the 12-month contract, plus 3rd party fees.



An instance of Mambo Merge added to any Custom/Standard Object page. This will grant you the ability to create/modify Templates, build Routines and use our helpful and handy Template Builder.


A set of instructions created to help Mambo Merge understand what actions to take when a trigger is made. Such as pressing a button or selecting a dropdown. Routine instructions include what Objects, Records, Relationships, Templates, Backup Dancers, and Layout a Component will utilize at the time of a trigger. They can be assigned to many Components at once, but Components can only be assigned a single Routine at any given time.


A document that contains merge field syntax which Mambo Merge will use in order to identify what field data is requested within a Salesforce Object record. This record field data will be merged to a Template when a trigger is initiated. Once a Template is merged it becomes a Merged Document.

Merged Documents

Once Mambo Merge takes a Template and replaces the merge field syntax with the actual values retrieved from Salesforce it becomes a Merged Document. Meaning it no longer has merge field syntax but actual values from the record retrieved. Merge Documents consist of but are not limited to quotes, contracts, work orders, or invoices.

Template Builder

A helpful and built-in tool that identifies all the merge syntax within an Object/Record selection. Use within Routines to modify existing Templates. If starting from scratch, head over to a Component and choose a record to build out your next Template.

Mambo Studio

Quickly manage all Routines active throughout all your Components at the push of a button. Our Mambo Studio provides you with a step-by-step wizard of intructions to create, edit, clone or delete Routines. Quick and simple.


Identify Lookup Fields or Related List values within an Object by using Relationships. Gather merge field data outside the Object’s scope when parent/child or related field data needs to be merged. Access and configure by using the Mambo Studio as you create or edit Routines.

Backup Dancers

After a Template becomes a Merged Document you can let Mambo Merge know to deploy additional actions such as update field values, create tasks, send emails, or launch screen flows. These actions help automate the next steps required to keep the pipeline moving along. We simplify the process by providing the option to set up Backup Dancers within Routines.

Single Record Routine

Each Routine must define what record(s) data will be used to create a Merged Document. A Single Record Routine tells Mambo Merge to create a Merged Document by using the record where the Component was triggered.

Records Where Routine

Provides the ability to merge multiple documents at once by creating conditions to define what record(s) data will be utilized to merge. A Records Where Routine tells Mambo Merge to traverse a series of records to find all the records that meet the conditions. For each record that the conditions are met, generate a Merged Document.


I want to update the Record status when I create a merge, is this possible?

Within Routines you can use Backup Dancers to complete this task. Whether you need to update a field, create a task, send an email or launch a screen flow, Backup Dancers will have your back.

How many Templates can be used in one Component?

You can create as many Templates as you need. However, our intention with Templates is to utilize conditional formatting in order to identify slight differences when generating one type of document versus another. This way one Template can be used to generate multiple documents and the differences between each document generated is based on conditions met or not met when merging field values.

Where can I add Components?

Within any Custom or Standard Object Page Layout you can add as many as you need. Each Component can be configured separately from the rest.

Can a Component be visible on a Page Layout based on a condition or user?

Using Salesforce built-in conditional visibility you can filter what Components show up on a Page Layout based on field, user, or condition.

What is the limit of Documents that can be generated?

There is no limit to the number of documents Mambo Merge can generate within each Component. However, the amount of storage available within your Salesforce org may place a limit based on the total number of documents stored plus any additional documents you plan to generate in the future.

Can Mambo Merge generate Excel and PowerPoint documents?

Our paid editions unlock the ability to generate these types of documents.

Does the Free(Style) edition allow to merge rich text?

Currently, only our paid and trial editions allow you to merge rich text from Salesforce. However, we are always adding more functionality, and maybe something available in our Free(Style) edition in a future installment.

Can I use my mail merge Template notation with Mambo Merge?

Our Templates utilize the double curly brace notation {{ }} merge field syntax with a field name callout as the default. There are options to change the notation within a component to match that of your mail merge Template. However, we always recommend double-checking each mail merge callout to ensure the field name matches the syntax utilized within a Component.

Can I choose from multiple Templates within a Salesforce record like a dropdown list or multiple buttons?

Our paid editions unlocks the ability to create Routines with dropdown lists or multiple buttons within a Component. However, with built-in Salesforce funtionality, you may be able to use multiple tabs to mimic a similar apperance.

How do I know what merge field syntax to use?

Each merge field syntax notation is basically the Salesforce field name within an object. One way to identify what syntax to use is by going into Salesforce, locating the field, and retrieving its API name. Another way is by using our friendly and helful Template Builder to identify both merge field syntax and data available within each record of an Object.

Features and Functionality

How does Mambo Merge address field-level security?

We adhere to and respect Salesforce security measures by ensuring user's field level security and permission sets determine what field data can and cannot be merged each time a request is made. However, there is no field security within Merged Documents so we recommend to save Merged Documents to Libraries with secured permissions sets and user access.

Is Mambo Merge Secure?

Mambo Merge is a 100% native app within Salesforce which means your data never leaves your org from start to finish.

Is Mambo Merge Native?

Mambo Merge contains zero custom objects and builds around a low footprint that seamlessly integrates within Salesforce.

Am I able to preview a Template before it becomes a Merged Document?

Within a Routine you can choose to convert a Merged Document into a PDF at which point you will have the option to generate a preview. Currently, we only offer previews while converting documents into PDFs but may add to other types of documents in a later installment.

Does Mambo Merge work with AdobeSign or DocuSign?

Yes it does, by using our paid edition you can go ahead and sync up a Template with either AdobeSign or Docusign.

Can I create a separate document(s) for multiple records?

Our paid editions provide a Records Where Routine which allows you to define conditions that will be met to generate documents for each record that meets those conditions. You can generate a Merge Document for each record or combine all Merged Documents into one larger file.

How does the IMAGE() function height and width options resize an image?

This function takes the existing values of height and width and adjusts them by the percentage values passed. Meaning that if your existing image size is 500 x 400 pixels and you pass a percentage value of 50% for both height and width the output image will be resized to 250 x 200 pixels. You must take into account the original image size when resizing the height and width to ensure the image displays correctly within your document.

How is an IF statement related to its condition?

The information within an IF statement does not have to be related to the condition evaluated. In the case of a contact record the IF statement is not that complex but when creating documents for invoices, quotes, or orders that is where you start to see more variations of conditions evaluated. For example, based on a particular payment plan display certain information, or if there is a discount on a quote display a discount column with the amount.

Does Mambo Merge recognize Parent and Child Objects?

By using one of our paid editions you can set Relationships that tell Mambo Merge how to handle Parent/Child Object Lookup Fields or Related Lists. Based on which Object a Component is installed, Relationships identify Look Fields or Related List data available for you to merge

How to retrieve related data from fields outside an Object?

The simplest way to do this is by using a formula or roll-up field to pass the field data to a related Object so Mambo Merge can identify the field and pull its value within the Template Builder.

How to check what version of Mambo Merge is installed?

Each Component displays the edition and version currently installed by going to the dropdown icon and selecting the Support option within a Component. Each edition is either a Trial, Free(Style) or Paid edition while the version number usually begins with 1.xx.xx or 2.xx.xx

Licensing and Purchasing

How often does Mambo Merge update?

We tend to release new updates to Mambo Merge 2-3 times a year. However, changes are pushed to Free(Style) users and can be scheduled for paid users. You can always update to the latest by heading to the AppExchange and downloading it today.

What happends after my contract expires and I do not renew?

If a contract expires and does not get renewed before the expiration date, your paid edition will revert back to a Free(Style) edition which may impact your day to day document generation when using Mambo Merge. We recommend you reach out to our helpful sales team at to renew in a timely matter.